xplanetFX renders high quality wallpapers of mother earth on your desktop. An extensive GUI (GTK) provides a lot of features and settings. Various templates place the planet inside different scenes and make shure your desktop never gets boring again. With realtime light, shadows and clouds!

traGtor is a graphical user interface for the awesome conversion tool ffmpeg. With multi streams, presets, multi language and a lot of other features traGtor is a handy tool for converting all audio and video formats through ffmpeg. traGtor is based on GTK and Python.

Calf studiogear is an extensive and high quality plugin pack for professional audio production under Linux. It provides a lot of synthesizers, effects and signal processing for the use with LV2 audio production suites (like Ardour) or as stand-alone through JACK.

Calf with all of its new features and processors isn't officially released by now so you have to grab the GIT-repository from until we are ready for a stable release.


guess is a tool to launch (and kill) different setups of programs. It was invented to startup all needed synthesizers, audio suites, MIDI sequencers and stuff with the correct source files on the right desktop for a single audio production with just one click.

xplanetFX - series: Mit xplanetFX ganze Bilderserien erstellen

oRainge Theme: GTK-, GDM-, Metacity-, Icons-Theme

oRainge gDesklets: Sprechende Uhren, Kalender, System-Widgets (manual)

photogen:c SVG-Icons: Diverse High-Quality-Icons im SVG-Format

traffick: Serverumgebungen testen. Durch skalierbares Threading erzeugt traffick Unmengen an Suchanfragen und Webseitenaufrufen, um ein hohes Maß an Vorratsdaten Netzwerkauslastung zu simulieren.

GIMP Plug-In “Moderated Blur” for Tilt Shift and Depth-Of-Field Effects

stuff (de) guess calf traGtor xplanetFX

Open Music Contest 2015 – The Walking Dead

Mittwoch, den 13. Mai 2015

M.eik Michalke and his team decided to revive the Open Music Contest – a contest for strictly Creative Commons-licensed music:

It was organized by the „Musikpiraten“ – a subdivision of the political party „Die Piraten“ here in germany – for a couple of years now, operating under the name „Free!Music!Contest!“ for bands localized in germany only. This year it will be the first time that this contest operates on a global scale – every Creative Commons musician in the world is invited to take part.

All of my bands joined the contest as long as it exists now and made it on the CD year after year. This time unfortunately I don’t have any band so my support in 2015 amounts to nothing more than announcing the event.

To get things up and running M.eik initiated a crowd funding campaign:

So if you feel like supporting free music is a cool attitude please donate a couple of bucks to them.

And now go on and rock the freaking house! At best with music produced exclusively in Linux 😉

Guitarix: New Level Meters

Sonntag, den 26. April 2015

Guitarix_gx_headThe new level meters can be drawn horizontally and vertically. Additionally they can be styled and layouted in various ways (LED amount/width/height/border and the like). They are entirely drawn with Cairo now.

Sssslllloooooowwwwlllllyyyyyy bbbbuuuuutttttt ssssssuuuuurrrrreeeelllllllllyyyyyyy… *yaaaawn*

Guitarix: Key devices done

Freitag, den 24. April 2015

Screenshot 2015-04-24_01:26:53Tonight I finished the amplifier layout, so the key devices in the rack are mostly done.

Guitarix: New Cairo Knobs

Freitag, den 17. April 2015

Guitarix_Cairo KnobsThe new Cairo-based knobs arrived.

Guitarix: Playing With Textures…

Donnerstag, den 16. April 2015

Bildschirmfoto - 16.04.2015 - 14:59:26 Bildschirmfoto - 16.04.2015 - 14:59:07Guitarix Wood ThemesTwo new themes – Oak and Burl – while a couple of other experiments were too ugly to keep them.

Guitarix: New Domain!

Mittwoch, den 15. April 2015

The Guitarix website is now available on a new domain:

And on another server of course which is much more responsive than the sourceforge webservers.

Guitarix: Themeing Works

Mittwoch, den 15. April 2015

Guitarix_colorsThemeing (kind of) works.

Guitarix: Going on and on…

Montag, den 13. April 2015

Bildschirmfoto - 13.04.2015 - 02:21:50The actual state.

Guitarix: New Website

Freitag, den 3. April 2015

guitarix_website_1  guitarix_website_2Today the new website for guitarix went online:

The forums got a smaller design update, too.

Calf 0.0.60 Released! And Everyone Was Like *mooooooooooo*

Sonntag, den 29. März 2015

Calf-PartyFinally! Calf 0.0.60 is here! Get out all your party hats and do the moooo style!!1

Release Notes

Just in time for Linux Audio Conference 2015, we are presenting the new 
release of Calf. This release features:

* a large number of new plugins from the Calf Team members and some new 
* technology updates to reflect the evolution of the LV2 plugin 
* many improvements, both in terms of user interface and the plugin 
* bug fixes for the framework and the plugins

Thanks to: jhammen, falkTX, distrozapper, SadKo, David Robillard, Pere 
Ràfols Soler, domohawk, Adrian Knoth, drgreenthumb, Bill Kirkpatrick, 
Wladimir van der Laan and others for all the patches, bug reports, 
testing, investigative work and other valuable contributions.

16 New Plug-Ins:

* Emphasis
* Mono Compressor
* Compensation Delay
* Transient Designer
* Tape Simulator
* X-Over 2 Band
* X-Over 3 Band
* X-Over 4 Band
* Crusher
* Vocoder
* Ring Modulator
* Haas Stereo Enhancer
* Sidechain Limiter
* Reverse Delay
* 30 Band Graphical Equalizer
* Envelope Filter

Updates To Plug-Ins:

* EQ: seamless frequency changes
* EQ: M-S and L/R filters
* EQ: Analyzer and individual filter graphs, zoomable graph
* Multiband devices: Linkwitz-Riley crossovers
* Analyzer: new viewing modes, zoom fader
* Limiters: oversampling
* Sidechain devices with dedicated inputs
* Fluidsynth: dedicated Preset per MIDI channel
* Reverb: increased pre-delay range
* Wavetable: lots of improvements (still considered experimental)
* Vintage Delay: tap tempo button, sync to host
* Monosynth: Unison in OSC2, transpose in OSC1
* Saturator/Exciter/Bass Enhancer: autmatic oversampling
* Transient Designer: filters for envelope detection
* Lots of updates to different UIs

Updates To Rack:

* Connect window
* Plug-in menu with submenus and icons
* Multi column layout

Updates To Framework:

* Seamless bypass
* MIDI control for parameters
* Jack session support
* Automation
* Value entries for all widgets
* Frequency handles in graphs
* Rewrite of line graph (more features, better performance, better api)
* Rewrite of the GTK user interface to get rid of gtk engines
  (everything is drawn in Cairo now)
* Rewrite of knobs for better accuracy
* Design updates in UI
* VU-Meters with dB
* Manuals: better menu, more plug-in descriptions, new design
* Connect window for calfjcakhost
* Check RDF files with Sordi


* Better appearance of plug-ins in Ardour menu
* New icon